Dental calculus, also known as tartar among the public, is the result of a sticky substance called plaque, which is formed by the combination of bacteria and food residues that adhere to the teeth and gradually hardens into a thick and solid layer over time.
If left untreated, it can cause gum disease and tooth loss.
Scaling may need to be performed regularly every 6 months if the dentist deems it necessary.
Scaling (detertraj) is the removal of attachments on the tooth.
It is done to prevent bone and gingival loss that may be caused by tartar. The damage to the tooth structure is minimal or we can say that the benefit of tartar cleaning is many times more than the harm.
On the contrary, it is a beneficial procedure that should be performed for the health of the surrounding tissues and for the tooth to remain in the mouth for many years.
Scaling (detertraj) is the removal of attachments on the tooth. It is performed to prevent bone and gingival loss that may be caused by tartar.
The damage to the tooth structure is minimal, or we can say that the benefit of scaling is many times greater than the harm.
On the contrary, it is a useful procedure that should be performed for the health of the surrounding tissues and for the tooth to remain in the mouth for many years.
Pain is usually not felt during scaling. In cases where the calculus is located under the gums or the patient has a low pain threshold, anesthesia is provided in the relevant area to prevent you from feeling pain. You can easily have your tartar removed.
Pulpa Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic