Pedodontics; It covers preventive and therapeutic procedures that start with children's milk dentition and continue until the end of mixed dentition.
Pedodontics: Pediatric dentistry is a branch of dentistry that deals with children's teeth.
Pedodontic treatments are the most enjoyable but also require patience in dentistry. We can compare the secret of success in pedodontic treatments to a tripod table consisting of family, physician and child.
It is based on the protection, care and treatment of the milk and permanent teeth of children aged 0-14.
In these treatments that require patience, if one of the feet is broken, the treatment may be adversely affected as the table falls over. Therefore, a healthy communication between family, doctor and child will provide successful treatment.
Pediatric dentists overcome the fears of children by transforming the treatments to be applied to children in accordance with their ages.
The pediatric dentist evaluates the teeth after the necessary panoramic film and intraoral examinations, determines the caries risk group and decides on the appropriate treatments.
When children put the first deciduous tooth into the mouth, teeth should be cleaned. In the first time, parents should remove the residues on the first milk teeth of the children with the help of wet sponge-cotton.
Oral and dental care should be done by choosing the appropriate brush and paste for children when other teeth come into the mouth at later ages.
During your dentist examination, our dentists explain how our children will brush their teeth, and it is aimed to gain regular brushing habit with brushing charts.
In this process, families should also explain why brushing teeth is important to their children at home, brushing teeth together and make it fun.
You can come to Pulpa Dental Clinic or contact us to get information about pedodontic and to benefit from our examination service.
The first deciduous tooth begins to emerge in the 6-8th month. After all milk teeth are completed, they fall over time and leave their places to permanent teeth. Milk teeth help the child to chew and speak during the developmental period, and act as a placeholder for permanent teeth.
Instead of early lost milk teeth for various reasons, new neighboring permanent teeth may slip, causing crowding, problems in advanced ages, and deterioration of the permanent dentition.
When the first milk teeth of children rub into the mouth, that is, 6-8. With the help of the family, the cleaning of milk teeth should begin with the months. In the period from the emergence of the first milk teeth to the age of 2, even if there is no problem, it is beneficial to do the dentist examination once.
If you have seen your child's permanent teeth coming from behind the milk teeth, it is a good idea to consult your dentist. Generally, it is normal for permanent teeth to come from behind milk teeth.
With the development of the jaw, the jaw grows and the teeth reach their position where they should be. If your doctor thinks that there is a situation that needs intervention, he will inform you.
Children; they worry and fear the unknown. For this reason, dentist visits are delayed and when the problem grows, dentist intervention becomes more difficult.
It will be beneficial for the children to meet the dentist until the age of 2, to introduce the environment with routine checks at 6 months-1 year intervals, to see that the child's family does not have a dentist's fear, and the child will overcome his fear.
It will be useful for families to know why it is important to go to the dentist for the child at home, which tools are used, that they will not feel pain, and that no intervention will be performed.
Pulpa Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic