Things to consider after surgical treatment
- After the surgical dental procedure (especially after tooth extraction), the tampon placed in the area should be bitten for at least half an hour.
- After the procedure, do not rinse your mouth with water or any mouthwash (unless your physician directs otherwise) for the first 2-3 days, and do not spit. Otherwise, your bleeding will take longer to stop.
- Do not smoke, as this will delay wound healing.
- After surgical procedures, it is important to pay attention to nutrition. How and what you eat affects wound healing. Especially in the first days, it should be fed with soft, warm foods without grains. Extremely hot foods should be avoided for 3 to 10 days depending on the size of the surgical procedure.
- Use a painkiller other than aspirin for postoperative (after surgical procedure) pain, such as those containing paracetamol, flurbiprofen, naproxen sodium, etc. Depending on the type of procedure performed or the inflammation of the treated area, the pain complaint may not go away, despite the use of painkillers for the first two days. If the pain complaint does not go away despite the use of painkillers the third day after the surgical procedure, you should consult your physician.
- It is normal to have bleeding in the form of leakage, especially in the first 24 hours after the surgical procedure (there are cases where this bleeding in the form of leakage lasts for 48 hours). However, if there is a mouthful of bleeding between 3 and 5 minutes, consult your physician immediately.
- After some surgical procedures, your doctor may call you for check-ups. It is important that you do not neglect these check-ups.
- Sutures (stitches) may be required after some surgical procedures. Sutures can be removed between 7 and 15 days, or self-dissolving sutures can be used under the control of your physician.
Check-ups: After the dental surgery, make sure that you have your check-ups at the times your physician tells you.
You can contact Pulpa Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic in Alanya, Antalya, Turkey for information about all kinds of dental treatments aftercare.